Are service is to provide organizations with our strategic experience independent of providing the product itself. Our planning service gives our clients the confidence in the product and messaging knowing they are best suited to meet their objectives and are not swayed by self-interest on our the part of the supplier.
Our Strategic Planning consists of fact-finding and a Recommendation report, complete with messaging suggestions and specific product sourcing information which you can take and shop around.
This way you know you are getting strategically designed Swag best suited to your desired outcome, even if you do choose to buy the product elsewhere (for whatever reason). Our Strategic Planning fees vary by project specifics such as depth of the project and variety of the project recommendations required.

“The team were creative and strategic with their ideas and execution of our campaign.” Susan Blain, Director Marketing and Sales, Ottawa Business Journal

“Silver Star helped me avoid gimmicks and create strategic giveaways instead. The result? I am able to present a professional image, connect more strongly with my clients and help them accomplish their goals. That is what keeps clients coming back! Silver Star is part of my ongoing business plan now!”Coach Pauline www.ProActiveBusinessLeadership.com

“We practice what we preach, and we do it well (or you wouldn’t be looking at our website). Silver Star combines direct mail, web and email campaigns in order to stay top of mind with our prospective clients.”Sam Brown Rebel Leader & Swag Strategist Silver Star