

Michelle Farquhar CAS – Brand Specialist – Promotional Expert – Fun Ambassador

Michelle Farquhar

More than 20+ years experience in promotional products industry in Canada and the US – Michelle’s experience span’s on providing global client solutions.

As your premier partner for promotional management services, I will deliver expertise, best practices and detail-oriented solutions – big or small – to ensure your next project is a definite success!

Email Michelle

Jennifer Bedwell – Swag Strategist

Jen Dancing

Jennifer is a sales professional familiar with the Ottawa business community. She is experienced in several complimentary areas including print, industrial and safety.  Jennifer has received multiple President’s Club Awards for her sales accomplishments.

Jennifer is fluent with her award-winning approach to providing assistance to business owners and decision makers. Quick to laugh and exhibiting a keen sense of the possible,  Jennifer enjoys learning about your business to identify your needs.

Email Jennifer

Janis Cole – Senior Account Director

With more than 20+ years experience in Promotional Products and Program execution,  Janis knows what brand recognition is and understands that your success is a bi product of how hard she works. Janis’s philosophy is Customer Service is not a department, but rather an attitude. And with that in mind she strives to provide the highest level of customer service.

Email Janis

Carol de Ville – El Presidente

CdV - Image 2016

More than 20 years experience in swag in Canada, the US, the EU, South America, Africa,   and the Orient (yes, she’s working on slowly taking over the world -insert evil laugh here).  deVille is Past-Chair of the Promotional Products Professionals of Canada, Past-President of the Incentive Marketing Association, currently the Vice-Chair of Promotional Products Association International-PPEF and a hot speaker to the industry.  deVille loves this business – drop her a line and find out just how much (we dare you).

Email Carol