Tis true - power chargers aka power banks are one of the hotest items on the market right now, and with the stories of exploding product in the US, ensure you are asking about battery quality not JUST price. Nothing like client's asking you to replace their devices for them once that happens ;) Consider this though- while everyone else is giving out power banks - maybe your industry is already inundated with same and needs something fresh...that's where we come in...always. Fight the power!
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If you or someone you work with insists on USBs then you MUST see this VIDEO twist on the everyday USB. If you are:
- -in an industry that requires heavy content that you don't want to post to Dropbox;
How to make your marketing expenses into revenue lines...consider the measurability of QR (used in the right way of course)...watch this clip for things to consider.
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Nothing like a jacket you actually want to wear when it gets chilly, instead of have-to wear. ...check out this chilly swag on this week's video for the sharpest in decorating on fall outerwear.
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Crazy how much we depend on our phones these days - stay top of mind with those who matter to you by taking up valuable real estate of their mobile device and be seen over 100 times a day by them and their closest colleagues, family and friends (assuming they have friends). Check out this week's quick vid here, or subscribe to get the weekly Rebel Yell delivered right to your inbox.
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